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How to Get to Waverly Glen Falls in Tioga County, New York

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Located just steps from the Pennsylvania border and I-86 is one of the most impressive waterfalls in the eastern Finger Lakes region: Waverly Glen Falls.

Waverly Glen Falls is located in the small village of Waverly in Tioga County, New York, and is tucked away on the outskirts of town in Waverly Glen Park. While this waterfall is incredibly easy to reach, since it can’t be seen from the main spots in the park, you could easily spend time there and have no idea that there is a waterfall just a few steps away.

In addition to the waterfall, Waverly Glen Park is home to several tennis courts, playground equipment, and pavilions. The towns reservoir is also located adjacent to the park, and it is just downstream of this small lake along Dry Brook that you’ll find Waverly Glen Falls.

Waverly Glen Falls in Waverly, New York
A side view of Waverly Glen Falls.

To reach Waverly Glen Falls, enter the park from the entrance at the intersection of West Pine Street and Moore Street. Drive past the tennis courts and other park equipment until the road ends at an area near a pavilion and some playground equipment. Park in the lot at the end of the road.

From the parking area, you should see a well-worn path that heads away from the road through the park. Follow this trail for a short distance.

Trail to Waverly Glen Falls in the Finger Lakes
Walk through this chainlink gate to reach Waverly Glen Falls.

Soon, you’ll come to a chainlink gate. As long as the gate is open, you are good to continue beyond it.

This wide trail follows Dry Brook as it drops down several small cascades below you. After just a few hundred yards along this flat trail, you’ll come to a bridge over Dry Brook and Waverly Glen Falls will be in front of you. All told, the hike is probably less than 5 minutes to get to this impressive waterfall.

Waverly Glen Falls in late winter
Waverly Glen Falls during lower water in the late fall.

I’ve seen sources that list Waverly Glen Falls at 40-45 feet, but I’d guess it’s a tad shorter than that at maybe 35 feet. Regardless, it’s an impressive waterfall that is well worth the easy walk to see.

Like most waterfalls, Waverly Glen Falls has the most flow in the springtime and during periods of high water. I’ve heard that during the dry summer months, this waterfall can dry up to a trickle, so it’s probably not a great waterfall to visit during that time. 

Waverly Reservoir in Tioga County NY
The reservoir at the top of Waverly Glen Falls.

This part of the Waverly Glen Park is crisscrossed by trails, and it’s possible to hike to the top of the waterfall (use extreme caution near the edge if you do). However, the best views of this waterfall can be found directly adjacent to the path at the bottom of the falls.

Because of how short and flat the hike is to reach this waterfall, and the big payoff, this is one of the best Finger Lakes waterfalls for young kids to visit and shouldn’t be missed if you find yourself in Tioga County or traveling I-86 through the region.

How to Get to Waverly Glen Falls

How to get to Waverly Glen Falls
Follow this trail from the parking area to the waterfall.

Waverly Glen Falls is located in Waverly Glen Park at the following coordinates: 42.010837, -76.557151.

To reach the waterfall, park at these coordinates (42.009312, -76.555359) and then follow the directions above.

Looking for more to do in the area? Check out Mark Twain’s Life in Elmira, Taughannock Falls, Newtown Battlefield State Park, and Spiedies in Binghamton.

 [Click here for information on how to use the coordinates in this article to find your destination.]

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